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Yassss, Click Here Babe! |
Let me start with a short review on Amerzing. First, I like how you modified your name into something fancy but meaningful! Hihihi.
Hmm, talking bout your blog, personally, I greatly adored your courage to start blogging in English. And of course, I love your English, it's simple and straightforward.
What I can say is you're born with a great talent in arts, both writing, and designing. You got the soul in writing, I love the cat tales so much! Amerzing layout is clean and organized! Double thumbs up for you, hihihi.
Ok last but not least, I love the way you create the advertisement banner, so cool!
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Attractive kan! |
____________THE SECOND CHANCE____________
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Daddy's little monster |
I'm in my early 20s, trying to escape from my parent's strict rules. I thought leaving my house was the crucial part in finding my true self. I was happy when I know I will be doing my diploma internship in HUKM, far from my hometown in Kedah.
Few days before the internship, I had a bad feeling to leave my house. Abah was not in a good health. All I can do at the moment were convinced my parents that I can drive to Kuala Lumpur so they don't need to send me there and lying to myself that everything is gonna be okay.
Finally, mama allows me to drive my manual Viva alone from Kulim to KL. That's was my first time driving a long distance and I feel proud of myself. Feeling young and free, it was amazing!
It was great until one day, while I'm eating lunch with my friends. I got a phone call from home.
"Abah dah teruk. Batuk berdarah. Tersembur darah setiap kali batuk. Sekarang dah dekat CCU KPJ. Baliklah."
My world suddenly turns to dark. I failed to concentrate on work that day. Then I called my supervisor there and told her about my dad and asked her permission to go home.
Alhamdulillah, she said yes.
Next morning, I get myself a bus ticket. Perhaps driving in my condition that time was not a good idea.
When I arrived, mom took me to KPJ Penang to see my dad. Only 2 people can visit him at 1 time. It's broke my heart to see him like that. I talk to abah's doctor, and when he know that I'm in my internship at HUKM, he gave me a blank leave application so I can put the date myself when I was ready to go back to Kuala Lumpur.
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Like daddy, like me :) |
My dad's lungs were infected. The risk to operate was too high, and they choose using medicine/antibiotic at that time (dah lupa).
Of course, that scared me to death. I need my dad to recover as soon as possible. I can't imagine living without my dad!
Alhamdulillah. Allah is great!
Even the doctor said my dad is the strongest patients he'd ever met. Abah made it!
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Priceless, ALLAHUAKBAR! |
When Abah was healthy again, and he can finally go home with us, it was the most amazing thing that has happened in my life. It was a second chance from Allah for me and make me realized I can never be happy without my parents.
Semoga Allah memberkati kedua ibu dan ayah kita semua :)
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Konvo Diploma 2014 |
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Konvo Degree 2017 |
I love you mama, I love you abah. Thank you for being AMERZING parents for us.
"Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil." (Surah al-Israk:24)
Abaikan English level kindergarten tu ye teman-teman sekelian, muahahahaha..
ReplyDeletebagusnya englishh sis. AMAZING!
Deletebagus English Mai.. Suka baca..
DeleteAmira : Ye ke ni, thank you sis <3
DeleteJasmi : Thank you Jasmi. Tulis asal orang faham je, hahaha. Takut jugak cikgu English comment grammar ni >.< :P
semoga semakin sihat abah NM
ReplyDeleteAamiin. Terima kasih sis Raihanah.
DeleteFinished reading your post with teary eyes. Sorry, I can't hold it back! I wanna cryyyyyyyy (burst into tears) 😭💔
ReplyDeleteP/s:- Aura positif dengan kekuatan from both sides (Abah and people around him) sangat penting kan sebagai suntikan semangat untuk dia lawan dan sembuh. Alhamdulillah, Allah bantu... ❤
Sorry I made you cry... T_T. Thank you for reading dear.
DeleteAlhamdulillah, waktu tu hanya Allah yang tahu betapa kalutnya kami semua...
DeleteOhsem entry Mai.. Semoga Mai dan keluarga berada dalam kesihatan yang baik.. Aamiin..
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih kak sha ❤
DeleteThanks sis Mayyjie. I'm so touched with your story since my dad also getting older and I'm away from him. I can feel that you wrote with your heart. I truly can feel it. Your effort to write in English, I am so appreciate it. You are such an idol to me. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Amer. Semoga kita sempat menabur bakti pada mereka kan. ❤❤❤.
DeleteThank you juga bg peluang #siscuba tulis english post macam ni.
Tak layak jd idol sbb Amer pun idol utk blog mayy jie juga 👍👍👍
I'm glad that your dad is healthier now.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah. Thank you sis Rasya ☺
DeleteMai you are such an amazing daughter ^^ always remember them in your prayers
ReplyDeleteI wish I am. Aamiin. InsyaAllah. Thank you Fae 😍
DeleteWish your father and your family keep healthy.. Tetiba teringat almarhum ayah dan almarhumah mak pulak :(
ReplyDeleteThank you dear Jasmi. Sorry to hear about them.
DeleteSemoga balasan syurga buat mereka.
Sedihnya baca kisah Abah Mai.. 😭
ReplyDeleteSelamat Bersegmen..
Hehehe alhamdulillah semuanya dah berlalu..
DeleteTerima kasih Husniey :D
Tersusun semua ayat mai. Sedih akak baca. Semoga ibu dan ayah mai dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik.
ReplyDelete:') Terima kasih kak Kinah. Aamiin.aamiin...
Deletemaiii.. sedihnya.. busyra boleh rasa apa mai rasa disaat org yg kita sayang sakit teruk.. ayah busyra pun pernah sakit teruk suatu masa dlu. even sekarang kaki ayah still tak normal. tp dia tetap ada dengan busyra sampai sekarang.. :( smoga ayah dan mak kita jadi org yang kuat dalam hidup. :)
ReplyDeleteKalau tak salah Mai Busyra pernah tulis dalam puisi kan...Memang ujian tu peringatan kecil untuk kita sebagai anak...Alhamdulillah kita masih diberi kesempatan untuk berbakti. Aamiin...aamiin ya Rabbal alamin.
Deleteso touched..semoga Mai terus menjadi anak yg berbakti buat kedua orang tua..that is part of the amazing story..
ReplyDeleteAamiin, aamiin, thank you Umi... :')
Deletelahai.. akak doakan mai sekeluarga diberi kesihatan yg baik..
ReplyDeleteAamiin, thank you kak Lea...
DeleteBaca entry ni terus fikir parents Mellya juga.. hm tak sabar nak menabur bakti, biar diorang pulak rehat.. kesian hari-hari keja untuk anak-anak..
ReplyDeleteYa Allah Mellya, mai pun duk fikir macam ni. T_T. Semoga cepat rezeki kerja menjemput kita.
DeleteSmga mak ayah & family mai berada dlm kdaan yg sihat walafiat.
ReplyDeleteGood luck mai
Aammin, terima kasih kak Reen <3
Delete😢😢 Semoga Mai dapat berbakti kepada ayah mak dan keluarga. Dipermudahkan semua untuk Mai juga..
ReplyDeleteAamiin, terima kasih kak Siqah...
Deletetersentuh baca kisah mai ni, xboleh nak imagine kalau benda tu jadi kat my parent.
ReplyDeletesemoga keluarga mai diberi kesihatan yg baik dan sihat selalu :)
Yes, I always avoiding imagining bad things could happen in my life, but ini memang satu nightmare, macam tamparan untuk sedar.
DeleteAamiin, thanks dear, semoga doa itu berbalik kepada Tiara juga, <3
you are so tough sis.
ReplyDeleteI'm speechless.. :D
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah semuanya dah okay.. Semoga diberikan kesembuhan & kesihatan yang baik bwat Mayy sekeluarga..
Sis Najihah : Hehehe kadang2 rapuh juga sis.
ReplyDeleteNurul : Aamiin, terima kasih atas doa. <3
Alhamdulillah happy ending. kalau tak, ada juga yang banjir kat Seremban ni hehe. bytheway, why your English is soooo amazing and smooth? so jellyy hahaha!
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah KC, hahaha, lembut hati KC ni.. Ehhh betulkah ni? Happy pulak, hahahaha English berterabur, tak pernahnyaaaa menulis english saja2 ni, asyik buat lab report ja, hahaha.
Deletemata mya masuk habuk laa pulak.. Sensitive topic.. Semoga keluarga Mai sihat selalu..
ReplyDeleteblogwalking dari segmen yang sama
Hi, I'm here for the final judgement for the AMERZING Bloglist winners. Maybe you will be one of 'em. Wait for the announcement on this 3 June 2017. Cheers!!!