Playing sad songs list on repeat after a break-up was definitely not a smart choice. Sad songs are nice but they can't help you getting better at all. All they gonna do are dragging you into the memories you don't want to live there anymore and make you stuck in there like forever. Pheww.
Sorry to say but I've found it's hard to find motivational songs for moving on after a break-up in Malay, what I've often know were only lagu patah hati meleles sedih pilu. If you know some please recommend it for me. Teheee...
Why lagu patah hati, sendu, sedih, duka, luka is a big no? Because you're in fragile conditions, then you need and should listen to something that can boost your self-worth. Someone that break your heart into pieces is unworthy to get your attention and don't deserves your tears.
Put on your earphone, and get lost in the music. It's my powerful way to run away from depressing life sometimes.
Put on your earphone, and get lost in the music. It's my powerful way to run away from depressing life sometimes.
I Will Survive
Klik Untuk Play
Klik Untuk Play
Klik Untuk Play
Most Girl
Klik Untuk Play
Fight Song
Fight Song
Klik Untuk Play
So what yours?
So what yours?
Betul, lgu omputeh lebih motivate klau bab ni. Mek setuju !
ReplyDeleteKalau mek ade jugak several tp name kat sini susah. Dia akn igt dgn tetiba je.
Hahaha, kan, mai pun ingat ni sbb dah ada dlm list music player dh...
Deletemai nak toturial mcm mana nk buat kat blog tu Klik to play.. Ty..HIHIHIHI
ReplyDeleteHihihi boleh.... rujuk entry ini http://missobsesi.blogspot.my/2016/10/tutorial-letak-lagu-autoplay-non-auto.html
DeleteYes. Definitely. Don't listen to sad songs after break up. Will make you more miserable. Love your music selection especillay Irreplaceable :)
ReplyDeleteKan, hihihi...
Deletelayannnn hehe
ReplyDeleteenjoyyyy je mellya.hihi
DeleteI will survive tu bukan untuk breakfast up je..
ReplyDeleteAkak akan dengar utk macam2 situasi yang melemahkan..
Memang naik semangat.. Hehehe..