Let me share a good news with you today... I've received a text that said my resume was shortlisted to be a kindergarten teacher, so they had arranged for me an interview next week, on 5th November 2016. Pheww, with a quite long preparation period they had given to me, I think they will definitely expect more from me later. Ya Allah, ketaq haih.
Eh, by the way, have you heard about Little Caliph Kindergarten? I'm sure you've heard it before, right? They already had more than 290 branches in Malaysia and Indonesia. Wah, very impressive. As they applying Islamic English preschool concept, so I can conclude that this kindergarten emphasizes a balance of both Dunya and akhirah.
A very big company compared to a very tiny little me. Huhuhu. Zero experience in anything, yet not a super ANC student. I already stated in the cover letter about how I am a very fresh graduate (segar dari ladang!) with exactly no experience in teaching, but always love to help my friends, siblings or nieces in their study, as long as I can help.
In my planning, what I'm going to do this morning is prepare for the interview next Saturday. Yelah, manusia hanya mampu merancang, hahaha. All my plans were destroyed by my Owen~! Kahkahkah, buruk nau perangai salahkan adekku yang suci itu.

Err kak I landing tepi bucu je ni tau, tepi ni je.. Janji tak kacau kakak nak tulis.

Ehh alamak, kenapa terlanding pulak ni...Alang-alang tu krohhh teruslah, tak gituu?
Tapi tengoklah sendiri tu haa betapa gediknya Owen hari ni. Haritu keroyokkan resume kakak sampai kena print lagi sekali. Harini kacau kakak buat preparation. Saje lettew kan..Hahaha.
Save sini kejaplah mana link yang tak sempat nak usha disebabkan Owen kacau (alasan) padahal nak sambung tido, kahkahkah. Dah la penutup malas nak speaking dah, ngantok.
Tata :P
http://lianapm.blogspot.my/2014/06/tips-contoh-soalan-temuduga-cikgu-tadika.html | http://elayas86.blogspot.my/ | https://siraplimau.com/sifat-guru-tadika/ | http://detiekadaniel.blogspot.my/2015/03/tips-menghadiri-temuduga.html | http://shahlina1985.blogspot.my/2010/11/tips-temuduga-guru.html | http://www.littlecaliphs.com.my/
gud luck for new job dik!
ReplyDeletegood luck awak :D
ReplyDeleteGood luck awak =)
ReplyDeletegood luck =)
ReplyDeletesemoga dipermudahkan segalanya. all da bestttttt
ReplyDeleteThank you semua <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteYeah!!! Mai dapat interview..
ReplyDeleteEh.. akak lak yg seronok lebih..
Akak doakan semoga segala urusan Mai dipermudahkan..
Semoga ada rezeki Mai.. Aamiin..
Aamiin...hehehe semoga begitulah.. :")
DeleteOwen nak kasih sayang dan perhatian dari Mai.. Hihihihi
ReplyDeleteBest of luck ye :) insyaAllah dapat ni.